Microreactors are reactors with extremely small structures (internal dimensions < 1 mm). They perform tasks such as mixing, dispersing, gassing, chemical precipitation, heat transfer and
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Microreactors are reactors with extremely small structures (internal dimensions < 1 mm). They perform tasks such as mixing, dispersing, gassing, chemical precipitation, heat transfer and
Calculated wall shear stresses at the microstructured bottom of a flow-through head
Liver cell reactor: Via modelling, software and routine implementation and technical evaluation to three-dimensional results and their interpretation.
Both the flow through a wide variety of bioreactor systems and their supply with nutrient medium as well as the temperature control or the choice
With our modern simulation tools, requirements for the control behaviour of a wide variety of systems can be investigated and qualitative and temporal optimisations can be derived.
3D vascular trees generated with the Vascular Tree Module (left) / Insulin release from liver cells (top) and oxygen supply of irregularly arranged cell clusters (bottom) calculated with Diffusion Solver